6 Ways to Make Your House a Home

A home is so much more than four walls and a roof—it’s a place to gather, a place to be yourself, and very often, a place to express yourself. But sometimes that’s easier said than done. If you’re searching for ways to add a personal spin to your home’s decor, here are a few great places to start.

Each of these examples work to quickly transform a “just a house” into an incredible “home.”

1. Never Underestimate Lighting

When it comes to personalizing the ambiance of your home, nothing works quite as well as the right lighting. Try incorporating varied fixtures to add visual interest and set the right tone—table lamps, chandeliers, sconces, and floor lamps all work together to create a dreamy setting. Even your choice of bulbs makes a difference. If you find one wattage is too overpowering, consider adding a warmer light or a diffuser to give the room more coziness. Which brings us to this point…

2. Make It Cozy

Streamlined, ultra-modern designs may be interesting to look at, but they don’t often exude the welcoming presence of a lived-in home. Instead, look for textures that invite, especially with rugs, pillows, and blankets. Consider offsetting hard floors with cushy area rugs, outfit the beds with plush blankets and comforters, and add a pillow or two to any spot that needs a little “cozying up”.

3. Dress Up the Windows

Besides the fact that a house without window treatments offers little to no privacy for those inside, it also leaves a house feeling not quite finished. A thoughtfully picked set of curtains can brighten, tone down, or bring together the other design elements of your space. But even if hanging drapes isn’t an option, you can still add character and dimension in other ways, like investing in a nice set of blinds.

4. Bring It to Life

Potted plants, natural greenery, and well-placed flowers are a (literal) breath of fresh air in any space. Even better, having plantlife indoors has been shown to be beneficial to your health—both mental and physical. Common low-light plants, like the Chinese evergreen or peace lily, act as filters to airborne particles, and work in nearly any room. For larger spaces, lush bamboo plants or fiddle-leaf fig trees create a fresh and homey vibe.

5. Don’t Forget the Walls

Mid-Century Modern style leaves a lot of wiggle room when it comes to decorating your walls. Wall art is the most common go-to, but don’t be afraid to look for interesting pieces in unusual places. Sometimes flea markets, antique shops, and estate sales offer amazing one-of-a-kind finds. Old signs, mounted shelving, mirrors, and even macrame wall hangings work great to add your own fingerprint to any empty area. Blank walls are like a blank canvas—so just be sure not to leave them naked.

6. Make It Personal

If there’s one thing that can make a space feel like your own, it’s adding your personal sentimental items. Framed pictures of the family, mementos from your travels, or hand-me-down heirlooms add a charm no store bought item can offer. Grandma’s old turntable or the kids’ art projects from school? Display them proudly! After all, those are the things that truly make a home home.

Make Your Home Reflect You

Your home is where you can be your truest self, and adding your own signature style is the perfect way to make it truly feel like a reflection of you. There are a thousand ways to nail Mid-Century Modern decor. Even small changes make a big impact, so don’t be shy to try new things or add a few statement pieces in each room. 

Once you’re finished, you’ll know exactly what it means to call your place “home.”

P.S. Looking for even more design ideas? Our blog offers tons of insight, tips, and trends for all things Mid-Century Modern.